Sunday, June 22, 2014


Just started a Devastor squad, so far I like the kit. Devs are fun stuff!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Scouts infiltrating my hobby room!

Just moved my entire workstation to a new room and I like the new workspace much better.  This is my first model in a few weeks, so I am just adding more units as I delve deeper into the hobby.  Right now I'm basically putting together the more "basic"units, and you can't go too far wrong with a Scout Squad.  Scout's have never been terribly exciting to me, but after reading more about the Scout squad in Codex: Space Marines I think they do have a nice role in the game.  I like the look of the unit using Sniper rifles and Invisibility cloaks, I plan to replace the standard Sergeant with Sergeant Telion...mostly because I love the look of the Telion model, and his stats are very impressive.