Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Access Hatches and Inquisitional crates!

Nobody expects the Inquisition!  Finished up some minor terrain bits from the Moon Base Klaisus ruins.  The original box comes with one Inquisition crate, which I really like and one Hatch.  The other two Hatches came from the new STC Ryza-Pattern Ruins box, which is more of the same bits that come with Moon Base Klaisus, although not another Inquisition crate unfortunately.

I like the way they turned out, nothing major but they'll add some fun features to a game board.  I decided to paint the actual Hatches in a bronze look, with the ring that it shuts against with more of a steel look. Did a good bit of dry brushing on these pieces, it's getting more familiar now and less intimidating. Now back to painting army minis . . .