I decided to build my next Marine equipped with MK VI Corvus armor, in the past I wasn't a huge fan of the "Beak" helmet but after building this model I really dig the look of it. I also used the alternate hand so he looks like he's getting ready to slam another full magazine in his Bolter.
Mark VI Corvus Battle Plate. |
Slamming a full clip into his Bolter. |
I made a small mistake on the Purity Seal on the shoulder plate, it will interfere with the Ultramarine decal that will be placed on this shoulder guard. I'm going to have to cut it off and file it back down which shouldn't be too hard. This is the first model that may require a bit of Liquid Green Stuff to fix some errors.
One thing I noticed that I was missing in this unit are Grenades, which are standard weapon load out for Tactical Marines. This battle brother has both Frag and Krak grenades on hand ready to decimate foes that are closing in or behind barricades. These things are so tiny that I lost the first on on the floor, and almost lost another which I found after getting on my hands and knees using a magnifying glass. Going to head to the hobby shop today and pickup a hobby tweezers!
Krak grenades and a large finger! |
Frag grenades. Elbow mishap. |
The elbow on this model had a small gash from getting a little "over zealous" with the clipper, this is the other spot I'll need some liquid greenstuff to fix.
And then there were four . . . |
That's it for now, tonight I build number five which when added to the others will form my first 5 man squad. I think #5 will be wielding a Missile Launcher.
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